Friday, July 13, 2012

The Key To NOT Failing in Network Marketing

Which method do you think is more successful when building a business - to promote the product you are trying to sell, or to promote the benefits of the product and what a person will achieve by purchasing it?

If you chose the second option, you are correct. Nobody buys a cleaning product because they like the name or the packaging. They like the cleaning product because of the results it gives. Example: An eco-friendly dishwashing detergent. People don't buy it for the name, or the packaging. They will buy this product because it cleans the dirty plates in their dishwasher, it doesn't leave spots on their glasses or flatware, and it doesn't fill the air in their home with harmful chemicals. Now THOSE are reasons to buy that product.

So, how do you apply this principle in your network marketing business? Well, first you have to realize that what you're selling is not the product, the business opportunity or the compensation plan.

I bet you are baffled by that last statement. I can almost hear the thoughts in your head - what else is there to sell? That's what network marketing is!


EVERYONE in network marketing is trying to sell the EXACT same thing - a fantastic product, the business opportunity of a lifetime, a compensation plan that is the best in the business. So, how do you separate yourself from the masses, stand out from the crowd, and position yourself as a leader in the network marketing industry?

You sell YOURSELF.

"Come again, Denise?" You think to yourself.

That's right. YOU SELL YOURSELF.

What does everyone really want in this business? Well, think about why you joined. Did you love the product? No, I bet it was more like you wanted to make money. You wanted to work from home. You wanted to be your own boss. You wanted to set your own hours.

So, how do you help someone achieve those goals? By helping someone solve a problem (make more money) or reach a goal (become self-employed). By letting them know you know how to do that for them. By letting them know how to build this business, and that you will help them every step of the way. You do NOT talk about your own business. You talk about network marketing in general and what it REALLY takes to succeed.

For the people who have never been a part of this industry before, this is extremely important. You cannot sign people up under you in your business and then leave them on their own to figure out how to be successful. You must train and mentor them. These people, who have been left to fend for themselves in this business, are the reason the failure rate is so high in network marketing and also why the reputation of the business has been so sullied.

For the people who are already in network marketing and are failing because nobody is training and mentoring them, you must become that expert for them. Teach them what YOU know about how to be successful. Let them apply it to their own business. The added benefit of this is, once your new protégés realize you know what you are doing, the transition for them to join you in your business is much easier.

How do you become the expert and a leader? Hopefully what I am teaching you with my articles and blog posts are helping. Look for and learn from other teachings on promoting network marketing properly and in a respectable business manner in addition to my own material. Also, you must know your own network marketing company's policies and systems inside out.

Once you realize that you are selling yourself and your expertise in network marketing, you cannot fail.

This news article is brought to you by SELF-ESTEEM - where latest news are our top priority.

Taking Your MLM Business Online

You've probably heard the saying "the more things change the more they stay the same". I entered the game (network marketing) just as the internet was ramping up, about the same time you didn't need to be a bodybuilder to hold a cell phone to your ear (remember the bricks of past years?). We were essentially told to write that proverbial names list (you've heard it - by 21 you know 2000 people... ) and start calling - did that ever work?

Not knowing much about the industry we simply used the products we purchased monthly and attended every training we could. We were lucky, we benefited from the products our company of choice produced so personal consumption was never an issue.

Like so many people we got no's pretty well everywhere we turned but with sheer persistence eventually found and trained some great people and our business took off.

Fast forward 10 years it's time to bring our MLM business online - why you may ask. Simple, while the essence of network marketing is the same, marketing methods evolve and change over time. One of the hallmarks of the 21st century is "You Inc", or personal branding.

Thanks to the internet I've developed what I call a hybrid model, using the best offline MLM business strategies with online strategies. This means real approaches where I can send people to a web based presentation or do a one on one presentation if local, and attraction marketing through social media and content marketing to extend my reach.

Online is definitely a learned skill which for me at least has and is taking time but is absolutely worth it. "Brand you" will get you so far offline, and we have built teams in numerous countries just to prove the point, but online you're only limited by your belief in yourself and the effort you put in.

Key lessons from my journey so far:

  • Pick the right guru (s) to follow

  • Throw some money at quality training, it speeds up the learning curve enormously

  • Invest in personal growth on a daily basis. Network marketing / internet marketing is often called a personal growth course wrapped in a compensation plan - your income grows as you grow

  • Have an advertising budget

  • Find your voice - don't give your voice to someone else. Sure you can outsource your content (assuming content marketing is part of your strategy) to oDesk and the like, but rolling up your sleeves and creating your own content gives you authenticity

  • Be patient - it takes time but it does take

  • Have a daily plan of action - social marketing can drain your time. Never forget it's only part of the answer, you still need to daily prospect

  • Find a company to align yourself with that supports online marketing as part of the mix

  • Don't be afraid to look outside your company for the training you need

  • Persistence - stick with it. Seriously, if there is one skill that trumps all others this has to be it

This news article is brought to you by CANCER - where latest news are our top priority.

Methods To Profit In Your MLM Your Very First Month

Ok you're signed up and ready to go, excited and ready to start building your business. You now need to decide what you will need to profit in your first 30 days.

There are two ways to generate revenue in Network Marketing they're:

Retail and Recruiting

There are many steps involved in each of these actions. We are going to focus thought on what you have to do to generate profit immediately.

#1) Retail

When you seen the opportunity, there was something that clicked and made you believe that you could build a business with what they had to offer.

Regardless if it was the items, compensation plan or just the culture, you felt that you could share this and possibly help change others lives just like you changed yours.

Having said that, your belief, passion and enthusiasm are essential. There are a few things you will need to think about before you run off to show and tell others about your products or business plan.

A. Who desires what you have to offer?

B. What purpose does it serve?

C. Why do they want or need it?

D. Why should they buy or join you?

As convinced as we often are about our product and how every person could benefit from them, you nevertheless want to think about the demands of one's prospective buyers and how their quality of life will change simply because of obtaining this item.

In an effort to retail as many goods as possible, you might have to start the sales process, that is:

A. Build a rapport with your possible consumer

B. Ask questions to make a need

C. Listen intently

D. Share how your item will solve their problem

E. Get the commitment and Seal the deal

The more conversational are with your prospects without trying to "push" the sale on them, the more you'll come across as a friend, helper, closing themselves on the goods just by asking them the proper questions and allowing them the freedom to speak and share with you exactly what their needs and wants are that you simply can sell them on!

#2) Recruiting

To create leverage in your business is in building a team of people who duplicate your efforts, by escalating the volume and income of your organization. This is the most feared aspect with the business because we often associate our "new recruits" with family and buddies that we assume are going to dodge us in the next family or members gathering.

Recruiting can essentially be the most thrilling element with the business venture, by simply "adjusting your mindset" and help other recruits to do the same. Although you might have private numbers and targets you wish to meet, so that you may earn a good paycheck, recruiting shouldn't just be viewed as a payday. It's in fact a chance to influence and change someone's life, while opening a door for them to find Freedom plus an entire new way of living.

There's so much more to joining a Network Advertising and marketing business than creating funds. Naturally that's an important part of why men and women join, but there are actually also the benefits of connecting with good people, enhancing your personal development and understanding your strengths and weaknesses. There are actually also opportunities to reach goals like you have never imagined, without ever going back to clocking in at a nine to five.

The minute you find out how to take the advantage of one's new "Business Opportunity" you can expect to uncover that people are dying to join with you to get and live that feeling of Freedom, to meet several of the inspiring leaders that you've been talking about.

To recruit effectively, share the advantages of becoming connected, rather forcing them in to get a paycheck. They will be able to see the distinction, and you will also when it comes to your paycheck!

This news article is brought to you by ANNIVERSARIES - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Benefits of Network Marketing - 3 True Legitimate Reasons

I would have to say there are many benefits of network marketing that's much more important than the money you make. In fact, let's just put money aside for a bit and look at the bigger picture. Communication is our constant source of expressing our emotions, ideas, and words in a simple yet beautiful way that gives others the ability to connect and relate to us. Every human being wants to be accepted in some shape or form, communication is our way to connect with others on a much deeper level of understanding. Successful network marketers find the real benefits of network marketing isn't the money, it's the relationships. Being in multi-level marketing is simply about helping others by informing them of things that they aren't aware of by COMMUNICATING EFFECTIVELY. That is the mindset.

3 Top Benefits of Network Marketing

Long Lasting Relationships

No matter who you meet through your journeys you'll always find someone you can relate to or truly understand. When you put yourself around those people you feel great about yourself and you get an opportunity at building a stronger relationship. If you struggle with opening up you have to get over this and take risks or it's impossible to be successful in this business. Most of it is just completely devoting your attention to the other person other than thinking about your own well-being. The genuinely strong relationships you build from the friends you meet throughout your journey will always find a way to help you later on in the future, I know this by experience. This is the golden ticket when it comes to the benefits of network marketing.

Never Ending Residual Income

After taking care of others, at the end of the day we all want that almighty dollar. Residual income is the name of the game and this is how most successful network marketers make six figure salaries on a MONTHLY basis. By recruiting other's to join under you as IBO's you get opportunities to earn money under sales they make, as well as sales their future recruits will make. This is one of my favorite benefits of network marketing because the profits are never ending. Imagine for yourself how many people you can help. This multi-level marketing business is just a game and the objective is to help as many people as you can. Rewards will absolutely follow if HELPING OTHERS is your primary focus.

Knowledge to Apply in Later in Life

The one thing that no one will be able to take from us is our knowledge. Through network marketing you will learn so much about others and most importantly more about yourself, it's life changing. Relationships, love, compassion, and understanding are things that can't be bought by money, these are the true benefits of network marketing. We have to take the risk and be willing to acknowledge that we don't know everything and there's more we HAVE to learn. Analyze, Reprogram, and Applying the concepts learned from our mistakes, is where the opportunity to learn really applies. I can tell you that in my experience of network marketing I made most of my money by NOT FOCUSING on making money. I made many mistakes but I learned many valuable life concepts to apply later in life.

This news article is brought to you by LONG-DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP - where latest news are our top priority.

Single Mom Success - 3 Tips to Get Single Mom Maximum Leverage

When you think of the term, "Single Mom", what generally comes to mind? A teen mom? A thirty-something entrepreneur? A divorced mom of three? A high-powered executive? Is it a surprise to find out that with the changes in technology and society in general, all of these descriptions are now accurate along with many others? With more than 10 million single moms with minor children in the household, it was also an eye opener to find out that many of today's single parents have support in the form of a partner. The traditional idea or definition of single mom once brought to mind the image of a young, unwed mother by way of an unplanned pregnancy. With the evolution of our society and (thankfully) our perceptions, this outdated stereotype is going the way of the dinosaur. Of all children born today, more than 35% are brought into this world by single mothers. This brow raising statistic speaks to the massive influence that single moms have over their peers and colleagues, their children and their friends and society as a whole.

Tip #1 - Consider Earning Online!

The numbers of single moms are not slowing in growth. With the staggering frustrations surrounding the dating game and the never waning divorce rate, more and more women are choosing parenthood before or instead of marriage. With more than 75% of mothers now working outside the home, the need to marry for financial support is no longer an issue. While household incomes for the single mom demographic tend to be lower than their married peers, single moms also have a tad more incentive to seek out ways to maintain their financial independence.

Many single moms are searching out ways to earn from home so that they can spend as much quality time as possible with their children. Some WAHM's (Work At Home Moms) work for call centers whose independent agents work from home. By doing so, they are able to generate an income without the hassle of office politics while making sure that their children never have to come home alone to an empty house. Not very many parents can say that. Earning online is a great step to achieving financial independence and time freedom.

Tip # 2 - Ditch The 40-40-40 Plan

Even two parent households are having a hard time pulling off this incredible feat in a sluggish economy. The way things are looking, it won't get any better anytime soon. Single moms must remain vigilant in today's down economic climate. Employers are asking for more and providing even less. Many people don't even realize they are on the 40-40-40 plan which is working 40 hours a week for 40 years to maybe retire with 40% of your pay. Who needs that? The only way to avoid this fate is to take control of our own lives and decide what kind of future we want for our families. Start now building your online business so that ditching the 40-40-40 plan will be that much easier.

Tip #3 - Stick to Your Guns!

People make decisions to pursue their dreams every single day. However, the vast majority fall short of achievement because they don't design and implement a viable plan to get there. With the hectic lifestyle of a single parent, it is easy to let your dreams and aspirations fall by the wayside. To avoid this, write your goals down and place them on your bathroom mirror so that you can see them every day. This serve as a reminder to stay focused!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Herbalife Success: Have You Considered Herbalife Online?

"Herbalife Success" Begins with the Marketing Techniques...

As a Herbalife rep, you probably know that how to be successful in Herbalife begins with the right marketing strategies. Herbalife may have started off as offline "belly to belly"; however, we can't deny that the world has changed a lot since the 1980's when Herbalife was born. And, with given the fact that Herbalife currently operates out of 75 different worldwide companies, it just stands to reason that you're leaving a lot of money on the table if you don't choose to market online with Herbalife.

If you are one of the few who can still achieve Herbalife success in the 21st century, using Herbalife business offline strategies, I congratulate you! You deserve my respect for your ability to know how to be successful in Herbalife.

But as an internet marketer, I really don't see the advantages of talking "cold" to people anymore when you don't have any idea if they might even be interested in your products or business. I guess I'm just spoiled with the internet. Because, when you market online, the internet will weed out for you all the people who have little or no interest in talking to you. And, given the fact of the 95% failure in network marketing, it's really a "quit" rate, not a "failure" rate, and when you get rejected time and time again, it's no wonder!

That's where Herbalife online marketing becomes your friend. The internet has the ability to hit only your "target market", those individuals who are actually searching for something that will help them... you know, like maybe Herbalife products or having their own business in Herbalife.

And, I'm guessing that the person you're looking for isn't the average guy you'd run into in Walmart who thinks you run a pyramid scheme!

Of course, your goal is to develop a team of people with your ability, where you can teach your downline with automated tools, which brings real Herbalife success... the residual income dream to come true.

The Herbalife Success Tool...

In this article, I'd like to introduce to you an alternate way of achieving Herbalife success. With Herbalife online marketing, a funded proposal will serve as an attraction (a "piece of cheese" if you will) because it has the ability to attract the target market you're looking for.

And the funded proposal doesn't stop there. It also draws immediate cash direct to your account to help fund your business. The reason why most network marketers quit is that they run out of money before they run out of leads. The funded proposal will prevent that from happening, giving you more time to develop your Herbalife business.

Outline for Herbalife Success Online...

Your adherence to online marketing should open doors in ways that the traditional sales techniques could never do. Just get started with Herbalife online marketing with these three steps:

1) Begin with a blog. Although branding yourself is a good idea on the internet, you don't have to have your own personal blog to get started. I advocate a team blogging system, because the team blog is already popular on Google, which brings more traffic to you automatically. Simply start blogging about how the Herbalife products can bring solutions to problems people might be searching for; i.e., "natural remedy to lose weight", "stop arthritis pain naturally". When you can be the one to provide that solution, you are the one they want to join! Your goal is to get your blog to rank on the first page of Google so you can start getting free leads.

2) Send your readers who might be reading your blog page to an entertaining video about how Herbalife "saved the life" of an individual (as an example). The more story-telling and ability to connect on an emotional level with your reader, the better. Don't plaster the Herbalife name in your blog post or in your video, but rather, build curiosity and anticipation so the reader can't wait to find out that this amazing product is.

3) Use an auto responder system to stay in touch with you leads. On average, most people need to be approached with a sales pitch about seven times before they decide to buy. SEVEN times? Who would ever do that offline? No wonder so many people quit! This is where an email auto-responder becomes useful.

Don't be left behind by the people who stop talking to you so they can get to their computer to Google Herbalife success. Wouldn't you rather be the guy on the internet who gets those leads on a steady basis?

Are you ready to take Herbalife online?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Top Network Marketing Companies Clues

For someone looking for a top network marketing company, it can be quite bewildering to sort through and to find a diamond company. Most companies use a lot of hype and some are downright misleading. Added to this, is the sheer exaggeration factor that network marketers are famous for. No wonder many people are mislead and end up joining a company with questionable ethics and zero longevity.

This article will attempt to examine the kinds of things to be looking out for if we want to align ourselves with a top company. Successful companies, or companies that are in for the long haul have specific traits to look out for,

CEO'S Background

It would be ideal to find a company that is headed by someone who has actually had experience as a distributor in the industry. More than ten years experience would be ideal. It gives a real understanding of the kinds of challenges that distributors face in the field. It also teaches the impact of managerial decisions on the distributor.

Many distributors, once they start to build a serious business, notice how the attitude of the owners can change. Sometimes, when companies find that a particular individual is creating a huge business, they begin to change the goalposts. They start to create 'hoops, hurdles and headaches' to make it more difficult for the super successful distributor. Many distributors have experienced a change in the pay plan that make it almost impossible to earn a good income.

Where you have a company CEO who has been a distributor in the past,and knows the impact of a sudden change in the pay plan,you can trust this person will be less likely to behave unfairly.

Hi Tech/High Touch

Another thing to look out for is how conversant the company is with social media and internet marketing. Too many network marketing companies shy away from auto responders, splash pages and online lead generation. Modern network marketing thrives on high tech with high touch. Certainly, the old methods of marketing are important as are the newer internet protocols.


The heart of a top network marketing company are the products. What we find increasingly, are companies that start out with a top notch product, their flagship product, but after that the quality and uniqueness of subsequent products is of a much lower quality. This is something to check. It goes without say that consumable products are best suited to network marketing. Most of the thriving top companies market consumables.

Company Decisions

Who is at the helm of the company? It ought to be someone who is not relying on the network marketing company to fuel his or her lifestyle. If the CEO's lifestyle, depends on how well the company is doing, this can contaminate some of the decision making. There are very few female owners of companies. As female network marketers outnumber male networkers, it is always refreshing to find female led companies. In general women are less governed by the ego and more likely to listen to the field.

Pay Plan

The compensation plan should not be so difficult that only a handful of people at the top earn huge amounts whilst the average distributors really struggle to get anywhere. It is far better to have lots earning $5000 to $10,000 a month rather than a few earning $100,000 a month.

These are a few crucial things to look out for when considering joining a top network marketing company.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.