Thursday, July 12, 2012

Single Mom Success - 3 Tips to Get Single Mom Maximum Leverage

When you think of the term, "Single Mom", what generally comes to mind? A teen mom? A thirty-something entrepreneur? A divorced mom of three? A high-powered executive? Is it a surprise to find out that with the changes in technology and society in general, all of these descriptions are now accurate along with many others? With more than 10 million single moms with minor children in the household, it was also an eye opener to find out that many of today's single parents have support in the form of a partner. The traditional idea or definition of single mom once brought to mind the image of a young, unwed mother by way of an unplanned pregnancy. With the evolution of our society and (thankfully) our perceptions, this outdated stereotype is going the way of the dinosaur. Of all children born today, more than 35% are brought into this world by single mothers. This brow raising statistic speaks to the massive influence that single moms have over their peers and colleagues, their children and their friends and society as a whole.

Tip #1 - Consider Earning Online!

The numbers of single moms are not slowing in growth. With the staggering frustrations surrounding the dating game and the never waning divorce rate, more and more women are choosing parenthood before or instead of marriage. With more than 75% of mothers now working outside the home, the need to marry for financial support is no longer an issue. While household incomes for the single mom demographic tend to be lower than their married peers, single moms also have a tad more incentive to seek out ways to maintain their financial independence.

Many single moms are searching out ways to earn from home so that they can spend as much quality time as possible with their children. Some WAHM's (Work At Home Moms) work for call centers whose independent agents work from home. By doing so, they are able to generate an income without the hassle of office politics while making sure that their children never have to come home alone to an empty house. Not very many parents can say that. Earning online is a great step to achieving financial independence and time freedom.

Tip # 2 - Ditch The 40-40-40 Plan

Even two parent households are having a hard time pulling off this incredible feat in a sluggish economy. The way things are looking, it won't get any better anytime soon. Single moms must remain vigilant in today's down economic climate. Employers are asking for more and providing even less. Many people don't even realize they are on the 40-40-40 plan which is working 40 hours a week for 40 years to maybe retire with 40% of your pay. Who needs that? The only way to avoid this fate is to take control of our own lives and decide what kind of future we want for our families. Start now building your online business so that ditching the 40-40-40 plan will be that much easier.

Tip #3 - Stick to Your Guns!

People make decisions to pursue their dreams every single day. However, the vast majority fall short of achievement because they don't design and implement a viable plan to get there. With the hectic lifestyle of a single parent, it is easy to let your dreams and aspirations fall by the wayside. To avoid this, write your goals down and place them on your bathroom mirror so that you can see them every day. This serve as a reminder to stay focused!

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